Daily activities and lifestyle positions can not only ruin our posture but can begin to cause us a lot of unwanted pain.
Specifically in the neck, shoulders, hips, and back.

Here are some other
drawbacks of Poor Posture:
• soreness & pain
• numbness in limbs
• poor digestion
• negative mood
• low self esteem
• poor circulation
• fatigue
You should aim to put your body in a position of power as much as possible.
You must learn it, earn it, and own it!
Reset and Reverse Postures on a regular basis.
Stand or Sit tall, Activate the core & posterior chain (upper back/glutes), and MOVE the body more regularly!
#Movement is the best medicine for #longevity .
Benefits of a Strong Posture:
• pain prevention
• increased mobility
• better breathing
• feel Better
• higher self esteem
• good circulation
• energy efficiency
• look Better
And remember, what you do outside of the gym is just as important (if not more important) than what you do in the gym.
Take Control 🤜🤛